Friday, January 25, 2013


This picture didn't turn out the way I hoped. I discovered after hours of posing the xenomorphs that apparently the fog editor doesn't work in the gm_BlackMesa_Sigma map. Therefore I tried to create a nice effect with the colour editor instead, and drastically failed in doing so. For comparison, I can also provide you with a picture that is almost identical, but lacks the colour filter:

For some reason, almost every prop, vehicle, ragdoll and NPC you spawn in this map gets its colours messed up, giving it either a pinkish tone or making it black with white highlights. That's the reason of why the shotgun one of the cops is holding is pink. However, the black-with-white-highlights colour distortion worked quite well with the xenomorphs, making their textures look even better than usual.

The metrocop who is firing a machine gun is a live spawn. All other characters on screen are ragdolls. To make him fire his weapon, I was standing right outside the border of the visible area, letting him shoot at me.

Also, when it comes to the title of the picture, "Siege", I know the name doesn't really fit. I just couldn't come up with a better one.

Addons used:
AvP Corporate Megapack

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